When the students are not busy learning to "read good", there will be classes on a variety of topics such as learning to deal with the hyper-critical New York media, coping with booing, when to get a medical second opinion and what to do when a teammate is punching people in the family lounge.
Paul DePodesta, who joined Beltran at the announcement, feels that this is the first step in the right direction for both Beltran and the Mets. "So much of what we have to do early on is avoiding the old mistakes and mending relationships.", said DePodesta. "This is a win-win for us. Carlos gets to reconnect with New York and in the future, maybe we have a few less knuckleheads on the Mets."
The C.B.C.F.K.W.C.R.G.A.W.W.L.T.D.O.S.G.T. is currently scheduled to open it's doors in 2013 but may open sooner if the city can convince Vina Auto Glass to move.
All articles featured on The Apple are fictitious. No Mets were harmed in the writing of this story. For info on the REAL Carlos Beltran Academy click here.
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