This made me curious as to whether any current or past Mets players had any ice cream flavors named after them, so I called around to the major ice cream companies. As it turns out there have been several failed ice cream flavors based on the Mets. Here are a few:
Willie Randolph's September Champagne
Released in Summer 2007, September Champagne was supposed to be a delicious tribute to a manager and team that overcame a late stumble and won their second straight division title. It was pulled from shelves after the Mets collapsed but those who tasted it said it left a bad taste in their mouths for years.
Mike Pelfrey's Peanut Butter Meltdown
Pelfrey's Peanut Butter Meltdown was originally a big seller that had customers licking their spoons and hands in anticipation for more. Unfortunately, Breyers could never nail down the recipe and was left with an inconsistent product. Sometimes you would get a carton full of delicious peanut butter candy pieces while other times it would be plain boring ice cream. Sometimes the carton would just be empty. Customers eventually got fed up with the inconsistency and the flavor was yanked.
Angel Pagan's Total F@%#ing Mystery Flavor
The folks at Edy's never could quite nail down what exactly this flavor was. While the overall product was a decent middle of the road ice cream, the taste would vary wildly from bite to bite. It was completely unpredictable. One spoonful would be the best thing you've ever tasted but the next would taste like something only an idiot would make. Edy's kept the flavor around for a while, maybe even too long, due to a lack of options but it was eventually discontinued.
Terry Collins Bunt Him Over Frozen Yogurt
(Turkey Hill)
Originally released by Turkey Hill as a sensible alternative to their "Wally Backman Chocolate Chips & Glass" flavor, Bunt Him Over has never really been embraced by ice cream fans despite being a pretty decent tasting frozen yogurt. Focus groups have led Turkey Hill to believe that customers prefer big flavor no matter how unhealthy. Though hard to find, "Bunt Him Over" is still in stores as Turkey Hill has decided to give it one more year.
David Wright's Collision Crunch
(Ben & Jerry's)
When you challenge the face of the Mets franchise's popularity, you lose. Ike Davis found this out in 2011 and Ben & Jerry's commemorated it with it's own flavor. Although originally intended to be a permanent flavor, Collision Crunch was discontinued when customers complained that while the product was full of good ingredients, the end result just wasn't as good as they'd hoped it would be.
Nick Evan's Rocky Road To The Majors
(Blue Bunny)
While many people have claimed to have seen this flavor, I could find no evidence to support that this flavor exists or has ever existed. If it does exist, I would imagine it would be a good utility ice cream. An ice cream that's good in shakes, floats or with pie, but never something you would want to enjoy an entire serving of.
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