12-inning rain-delayed games like last night's Mets game have a way of making people snap. Obviously, Larry Smith is one of those people because late last night during extra innings, Larry started firing thoughts at my inbox. Here are the ones that were safe for publishing:
We know that many relief pitchers alternate good years with bad years. It seems that Angel Pagan has fallen into the pattern of alternating dumb years with smart years.

2012's big baseball book/movie combo will be called: MONEYLESSBALL: How Fred Was Wilponzi'd

Bobby Parnell is being given chances to blow saves here in September so that he'll be fully prepared to blow saves for real next April.

How can someone as big as Ronny Paulino have so little power? Who's his hitting instructor, Dave Magadan?

Look it up. IGARASHI in Japanese means literally: "can't get anyone out."

Have the Mets announcers ever described a guy as "hot" without describing him as "red hot"?

Speaking of announcers, seems to me that Ron Darling & Keith Hernandez's hair is darker now than it was 25 years ago when they were playing. My hair hasn't worked that way.
And the less said about Gary's hair, the better.

Danny Herrerra, the 5'6" lefthander the Mets got from the Brewers is a true specialist. His job is to come in and get short left handed batters out.

Since Mets' ownership was unable to bring in one minority investor for $200 million the new plan is to find 20 million investors willing to pony up $10 each.
You can follow Larry Smith on twitter @dr4sight
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