Thursday, June 14, 2012

Las Vegas Sportsbook Takes Enormous Hit During Dickey 1-Hitter

Wednesday night saw baseball history made and almost made.  Matt Cain pitched a perfect game for his SF Giants while R.A. Dickey came really close to pitching a no-hitter (ho hum, another one) for the NY Mets.

But the sports book at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas saw little money change hands on those accomplishments.  Instead it was an exotic combo bet that nearly sank them.
We talked to Harriman Nagle who runs the sports betting operation at Caesar's.

HN: It's a good thing we're heavily insured else we could never cover our highest odds Mets-related exotic bet.

APPLE: What was that?

HN:  We were offering 800-1 odds that Ike Davis, Jason Bay, and Mike Nickeas would never have hits in the same game this year.  Hell, we were at 20-1 that they wouldn't have hits in the same week and we were collecting big even on that one.

APPLE: All three had hits on Wednesday, didn't they?

HN: Yes.  But Bay went 1 for 5 for the game.  Hardly should count, wouldn't you say?  But it does.  And we had to pay off some big cash.

APPLE: What made your book so sure that this would never happen?

HN: You know how the baseball insiders say a player is "on the interstate" when his batting average starts with a 1?  Well here in Nevada we call the Mets' offense "the interstate highway system".   There was just no way that those three guys were all going to get hits in the same game.  I still can't believe it.

APPLE:  Those odds of 800-1 are the highest you offer on exotic Mets bets?

HN:  Right now, yeah.  A couple of weeks ago you could have gotten the same odds on Manny Acosta pitching consecutive shutout innings.  And if you have some loose change around you might want to put a few bucks on the chance of Ruben Tejada getting back to the lineup before Sept. 1st. We're at 400-1 at the moment but who knows how high it could go.

All articles featured on The Apple are fictitious. No Mets were harmed in the writing of this story. Story by Larry Smith. You can follow Larry Smith on twitter @dr4sight   

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